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Opera and Alexander Technique: What are the connections?
This month we explore the unique challenges that opera places on the human voice as we delve into connections between Opera and the Alexander Technique (AT). Led by Gabriella Minnes Brandes, six video clips and written text explore research, process, practice, and performance in real-time with opera singers Shana White and Brittany St. Claire. Join us for this insightful journey and the open intersection of worlds in which AT supports sound quality, embodied awareness, and dynamic performance.

Soma in the City: How does listening and responding to a ‘somatic podcast’ drawing on the Alexander Technique, affect one’s relationship with urban space?
This month we present a summary of research by Korina Biggs undertaken as part of her M.A. in Dance and Somatic Well-Being at the University of Central Lancashire. The study drew on the Alexander Technique and aimed to connect somatic perceptual/movement practice with challenging urban environments, exploring the potential of digital technology to deepen the connection to one's psychophysical self and surroundings.
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