Alexander Technique Research

Alexander Studies Online (ASO) helps you discover quality published and unpublished research relevant to the Alexander Technique. Scroll below to learn more.

STAT Research Group (SRG) Summaries & Directory

The STAT Research Group (SRG) has summarised a large body of research on the Alexander Technique. This easily accessible database is organized into various areas of application and can be found on the website of the Society of Teachers of The Alexander Technique (STAT).

Alexander Technique (Zotero) Research List

Alexander Studies Online is building an open-access list of research on the Alexander Technique. This includes peer-reviewed publications, Ph.D. and Masters theses, and more. Click the blue button below.

Are we missing your research? Please let us know.

ASO Articles

Other Collections

The following are non-Alexander Studies Online collections that may be of help:

  • For a database of books on the Alexander Technique, please refer to the bibliography maintained by Jean M. O. Fischer on the Mouritz website.

  • For a collection of peer reviewed research focused on the basic science and understanding of how the Alexander Technique works, please refer to the work maintained by the team at

  • For a collection of research focused on the Alexander Technique (AT) for people living with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) please refer to The Poise Project’s page on AT and PD-based research, or their research for PD and care partners.

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